In such a configuration, one would usually run a frontend reverse proxy to serve all Web contents based on criteria like the requested hostname (virtual hosts) and/or the requested path. Mailu Admin Web frontend is disabled in the default setup for security reasons, it is however expected that most users will enable it at some point. Also, due to Docker Compose configuration structure, it is impossible for us to make disabling the Web frontend completely available through a configuration variable. This guide was written to help users setup such an architecture.
The simplest and safest option is to modify the port forwards for Mailu Web frontend and have your own frontend point there. For instance, in the ``front`` section of Mailu ``docker-compose.yml``, use local ports 8080 and 8443 respectively for HTTP and HTTPS:
..code-block:: yaml
# build: nginx
image: mailu/nginx:$VERSION
restart: always
env_file: .env
- ""
- ""
- "$ROOT/certs:/certs"
Then on your own frontend, point to these local ports. In practice, you only need to point to the HTTPS port (as the HTTP port simply redirects there). Here is an example Nginx configuration:
Because the admin interface is served as ``/admin``, the Webmail as ``/webmail``, the single sign on page as ``/sso``, webdav as ``/webdav`` and the static files endpoint as ``/static``, you may also want to use a single virtual host and serve other applications (still Nginx):
Finally, you might want to serve the admin interface on a separate virtual host but not expose the admin container directly (have your own HTTPS virtual hosts on top of Mailu, one public for the Webmail and one internal for administration for instance).
As the ``mailu/front`` container uses Nginx not only for ``HTTP`` forwarding, but also for the mail-protocols like ``SMTP``, ``IMAP``, etc, we need to keep this
container around even when using another ``HTTP`` reverse-proxy. Furthermore, Traefik is neither able to forward non-HTTP, nor can it easily forward HTTPS-to-HTTPS.
This makes the setup with Traefik a bit harder: Traefik saves its certificates in a proprietary *JSON* file, which is not readable by Nginx in the ``front``-container.
To solve this, your ``acme.json`` needs to be exposed to the host or a ``docker-volume``. It will then be read by a script in another container,
which will dump the certificates as ``PEM`` files, readable for Nginx. The ``front`` container will automatically reload Nginx whenever these certificates change.
If your Traefik is configured to automatically request certificates from *letsencrypt*, then you’ll have a certificate for ```` now. However,
```` might only be the location where you want the Mailu web-interfaces to live — your mail should be sent/received from ````,
Mailu must also be configured with the information what header is used by the reverse proxy for passing the remote client IP. This is configured in mailu.env:
..code-block:: docker
#mailu.env file
#x.x.x.x,y.y.y.y.y is the static IP address your reverse proxy uses for connecting to Mailu.
For more information see the :ref:`configuration reference <reverse_proxy_headers>` for more information.
Of course, be sure to define the Certificate Resolver ``foo`` in the static configuration as well.
Alternatively, you can define SANs in the Traefik static configuration using routers, or in the static configuration using entrypoints. Refer to the Traefik documentation for more details.