In order to deploy Mailu on a swarm, you will first need to initialize the swarm:
The main command will be:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <IP_ADDR>
If you want to add other managers or workers, please use:
docker swarm join --token xxxxx
You have now a working swarm, and you can check its status with:
core@coreos-01 ~/git/Mailu/docs/swarm/1.5 $ docker node ls
xhgeekkrlttpmtgmapt5hyxrb black-pearl Ready Active 18.06.0-ce
sczlqjgfhehsfdjhfhhph1nvb * coreos-01 Ready Active Leader 18.03.1-ce
mzrm9nbdggsfz4sgq6dhs5i6n flying-dutchman Ready Active 18.06.0-ce
### Volume definition
For data persistance (the Mailu services might be launched/relaunched on any of the swarm nodes), we need to have Mailu data stored in a manner accessible by every manager or worker in the swarm.
Hereafter we will use a NFS share:
core@coreos-01 ~ $ showmount -e
Export list for
on the nfs server, I am using the following /etc/exports
- the mesh routing mode (default mode). With this mode, each service is given a virtual IP adress and docker manages the routing between this virtual IP and the container(s) providing this service.
In fact, imap & smtp logs doesn't show the IPs from the front(s) container(s), but the IP of "mailu_default-endpoint". So it is sufficient to set POD_ADDRESS_RANGE to this specific ip (which can be found by inspecting mailu_default network). The issue is that this endpoint is created while the stack is created, I did'nt figure a way to determine this IP before the stack creation...
## Limitation with the ingress mode
With the default ingress mode, the front(s) container(s) will see origin IP(s) all being 10.255.0.x (which is the ingress-endpoint, can be found by inspecting the ingress network)
This issue is known and discussed here:
A workaround (using network host mode and global deployment) is discussed here:
As a side effect of this ingress mode "feature", make sure that the ingress subnet is not in your RELAYHOST, otherwise you would create an smtp open relay :-(
- front and webmail are scalable (pending POD_ADDRESS_RANGE is used), although the let's encrypt magic might not like it (race condidtion ? or risk to be banned by let's encrypt server if too many front containers attemps to renew the certs at the same time)
- redis, antispam, antivirus, fetchmail, admin, webdav have not been tested (hence replicas=1 in the following docker-compose.yml file)
### Variable substitution and docker-compose.yml
The docker stack deploy command doesn't support variable substitution in the .yml file itself (but we still can use .env file to pass variables to the services). As a consequence we need to adjust the docker-compose file in order to :