1. Run config-export to export the configuration. E.g. `docker-compose exec admin flask mailu config-export --secrets --output mail-config.yml`
2. Set up your new database server. Refer to the subsequent sections for tips for creating the database.
3. Modify the database settings (DB_*) in mailu.env. Refer to the :ref:`configuration guide (link) <db_settings>` for the exact settings.
4. Start your Mailu deployment.
5. Run config-import to import the configuration. E.g. `docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q admin) flask mailu config-import -v < mail-config.yml`
Mailu has now been switched to the new database back-end. The Mailu configuration has also been migrated.
The setup configuration wizard (setup.mailu.io) only supports creating config files for the same database back-end. When creating new config files, select the desired database flavour in the setup and enter dummy values for roundcube.
In the generated mailu.env file, configure all ROUNDCUBE_DB_* environment variables to the old values. For SQLite you can remove all the ROUNDCUBE_DB_* values.
Nowadays it is recommended to use the official PostgreSQL image from the PostgreSQL community. The repository is located `here <https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres>`_.
Mailu optionally came with a pre-configured PostgreSQL image which was deprecated in Mailu 1.8.
Since Mailu 1.9 it is removed from Mailu. The following section describes how to move to a different PostgreSQL image for novice administrators. The official PostgreSQL image (Postgres) will be used.
A Mailu deployment with the Mailu PostgreSQL image, only used PostgreSQL for the Admin container (Web administration interface). Roundcube used SQLite as database back-end.
Mailu uses the following configuration for connecting to the database:
The setup configuration wizard (setup.mailu.io) only supports creating config files for the same database back-end. When creating new config files, select PostgreSQL in the setup and enter dummy values for roundcube.
In the generated mailu.env file, remove all ROUNDCUBE_DB_* environment variables.
Now Admin will use PostgreSQL and roundcube will keep using Roundcube.
Roundcube does not offer a migration tool for moving from SQLite to PostgreSQL.