Docker swarm enables replication and fail-over scenarios. As a feature, if a node dies or goes away, Docker will re-schedule it's containers on the remaining nodes.
In order to take this decisions, docker swarm works on a consensus between managers regarding the state of nodes. Therefore it recommends to always have an uneven amount of manager nodes. This will always give a majority on either halve of a potential network split.
### Storage
On top of this some of Mailu's containers heavily rely on disk storage. As noted below, every host will need the same dataset on every host where related containers are run. So Dovecot IMAP needs `/mailu/mail` replicated to every node it *may* be scheduled to run. There are various solutions for this like NFS and GlusterFS.
### When disaster strikes
So imagine 3 swarm nodes and 3 GlusterFS endpoints:
node-A -> gluster-A --|
node-B -> gluster-B --|--> Single file system
node-C -> gluster-C --|
Each node has a connection to the shared file system and maintains connections between the other nodes. Let's say Dovecot is running on `node-A`. Now a network error / outage occurs on the route between `node-A` and the remaining nodes, but stays connected to the `gluster-A` endpoint. `node-B` and `node-C` conclude that `node-A` is down. They reschedule Dovecot to start on either one of them. Dovecot starts reading and writing its indexes to the **shared** filesystem. However, it is possible the Dovecot on `node-A` is still up and handling some client requests. I've seen cases where this situations resulted in:
- Retained locks
- Corrupted indexes
- Users no longer able to read any of mail
- Lost mail
### It gets funkier
Our original deployment also included `main.db` on the GlusterFS. Due to the above we corrupted it once and we decided to move it to local storage and restirct the `admin` container to that host only. This inspired us to put some legwork is supporting different database back-ends like MySQL and PostgreSQL. We highly recommend to use either of them, in favor of sqlite.
### Conclusion
Although the above situation is less-likely to occur on a stable (local) network, it does indicate a failure case where there is a probability of data-loss or downtime. It may help to create redundant networks, but the effort might be too much for the actual results. We will need to look into better and safer methods of replicating mail data. For now, we regret to have to inform you that Docker swarm deployment is **unstable** and should be avoided in production environments.
In order to deploy Mailu on a swarm, you will first need to initialize the swarm:
The main command will be:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <IP_ADDR>
If you want to add other managers or workers, please use:
docker swarm join --token xxxxx
You have now a working swarm, and you can check its status with:
core@coreos-01 ~/git/Mailu/docs/swarm/1.5 $ docker node ls
xhgeekkrlttpmtgmapt5hyxrb black-pearl Ready Active 18.06.0-ce
sczlqjgfhehsfdjhfhhph1nvb * coreos-01 Ready Active Leader 18.03.1-ce
mzrm9nbdggsfz4sgq6dhs5i6n flying-dutchman Ready Active 18.06.0-ce
### Volume definition
For data persistance (the Mailu services might be launched/relaunched on any of the swarm nodes), we need to have Mailu data stored in a manner accessible by every manager or worker in the swarm.
- the mesh routing mode (default mode). With this mode, each service is given a virtual IP adress and docker manages the routing between this virtual IP and the container(s) providing this service.
In fact, imap & smtp logs doesn't show the IPs from the front(s) container(s), but the IP of "mailu_default-endpoint". So it is sufficient to set POD_ADDRESS_RANGE to this specific ip (which can be found by inspecting mailu_default network). The issue is that this endpoint is created while the stack is created, I did'nt figure a way to determine this IP before the stack creation...
With the default ingress mode, the front(s) container(s) will see origin IP(s) all being 10.255.0.x (which is the ingress-endpoint, can be found by inspecting the ingress network)
This issue is known and discussed here:
A workaround (using network host mode and global deployment) is discussed here:
As a side effect of this ingress mode "feature", make sure that the ingress subnet is not in your RELAYHOST, otherwise you would create an smtp open relay :-(
- front and webmail are scalable (pending POD_ADDRESS_RANGE is used), although the let's encrypt magic might not like it (race condidtion ? or risk to be banned by let's encrypt server if too many front containers attemps to renew the certs at the same time)
- redis, antispam, antivirus, fetchmail, admin, webdav have not been tested (hence replicas=1 in the following docker-compose.yml file)
There are DB_PW_FILE and SECRET_KEY_FILE environment variables available to specify files for these variables. These can be used to configure Docker secrets instead of writing the values directly into the `docker-compose.yml` or `mailu.env`.
In Docker compose flavor we currently have the option to include the unbound DNS resolver. This does not work in Docker Swarm, as it in not possible to configure any static IP addresses. There is an [open issue]( for this at Docker. However, this doesn't seem to move anywhere since some time now. For that reasons we've chosen not to include the unbound resolver in the stack flavor.
If you still want to benefit from Unbound as a system resolver, you can install it system-wide. The following procedure was done on a Fedora 28 system and might needs some adjustments for your system. Note that this will need to be done on every swarm node. In this example we will make use of `dnssec-trigger`, which is used to configure unbound. When installing this and running the service, unbound is pulled in as dependency and does not need to be installed, configured or run separately.
Install required packages(unbound will be installed as dependency):