# Goodtimer This is a simple countdown in plain html+css+javascript. You can either host it yourself (just serve the files in this repository with a web server) or use (https://goodtimer.lubiland.de)[https://goodtimer.lubiland.de]. The target date is specified behind a hash (#) and in any [ECMAScript Date Time String Format](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-date-time-string-format). When you omit the timezone it uses the local time of the browser. Here are some example URLs: https://goodtimer.lubiland.de/#2020-11-24T00:00+01:00 https://goodtimer.lubiland.de/#2020-11-24T00:00 https://goodtimer.lubiland.de/#2020-11-24 https://goodtimer.lubiland.de/#2020-11 https://goodtimer.lubiland.de/#2021 ## Matrix widget Goodtimer is also usable as widget for [Matrix](https://matrix.org) clients. Either specify the URL as 'Custom Widget' within (Element)(https://element.io) or manually send something like this example event: type: im.vector.modular.widgets state_key: shadowlands-release ```json { "type": "customwidget", "url": "https://goodtimer.lubiland.de/#2020-11-24T00:00+01:00", "name": "Shadowlands Release", "data": { "curl": "https://goodtimer.lubiland.de/" } } ```